Iman Shumpert, basquetebolista dos Cleveland Cavaliers, foi pai na quarta-feira de manhã e foi o próprio que fez o parto da pequena Iman Tayla Shumpert.

A namorada do jogador não se apercebeu que estava prestes a ter o bebé e começou a dar à luz na casa de banho de casa.

Shumpert resolveu a situação, ajudando a namorada a ter a criança e depois atando o cordão umbilical com os fones que tinha à mão, antes de chamar uma ambulância.

A história foi revelada pela namorada Teyana Taylor na rede social Instagram, na qual publicou uma fotografia da bebé e elogiou a coragem e o feito do basquetebolista.

On Dec 16th at 6:42am in our bathroom Junie decided she wanted to take her first breath into this world. She came out as a wonderful surprise to everyone! Not knowing I was in labor until I felt her took two ten count pushes with my fiancé playing Dr and she entered this world into his bare hands! Eyes full of tears and barely able to speak to the emergency operator @imanshumpert tied a pair of red headphones around the umbilical cord and the ambulance made there grand entrance 5 min later. She opened her eyes right away, gazed into mine and never cried! He handed her to me wrapped in our bath towel and wiped her face for me to see what LOVE really is. She has blown Christmas away! Our family is complete. Her blueprint will be unmatched. Welcome Iman Tayla Shumpert Jr. Mommy carried you. Daddy delivered you. #MeetTheParents we love you baby girl💂🏾🐞👶🏾

Uma foto publicada por Jimmy Neutch (@teyanataylor) em